2.1.1799 Part 4 Section, image (Image File)

For additional notes that apply to this portion of the standard, please see the notes for background, §17.2.1(a); arc, §,oo-xx,ccc-lll,nnn,qqq, rrr,ttt-yyy,aaaa, bbbb,dddd-jjjj); curve, §; imagedata, §,h-o).

a.   The standard indicates that color images should be reduced to 8 colors if the bilevel attribute is true.

Office interprets the bilevel attribute as a toggle between color and black and white and converts all images, color or greyscale, to pure black and white if the value of the bilevel attribute is true.

b.   The standard implies that the bullet attribute may be used to specify that the element is a bullet.

Office sets this attribute when the element is being used as a bullet, but ignores it on file load; this attribute does not make the element a bullet.

c.   The standard states that the bwnormal attribute specifies the black-and-white mode for normal black-and-white output devices.

Word and Excel do not support this attribute.

d.   The standard states that the bwpure attribute specifies the black-and-white mode for pure black-and-white output devices.

Word and Excel do not support this attribute.

e.   The standard places no restrictions on when the target attribute is preserved.

Office does not preserve this attribute when the href attribute is not set.

f.   The standard states that the bwmode attribute specifies how a shape will render for black-and-white output devices.

Word and Excel do not support this attribute.

g.   The standard places no restrictions on the value of the spt attribute.

Office requires the spt attribute on an image element have a value of 75. It is an error to specify this attribute as anything other than the default value, except for the shape and shapetype elements, which can handle any valid spt value.

h.   The standard states that chromakey, coordorigin, and opacity are valid attributes on the image element.

Office does not support these attributes on this element.

i.   The standard states that the default value of the spt attribute is 0.

Office uses a default value of 75 for the image element.

j.   The standard does not mention the gfxdata attribute.

Office uses an gfxdata attribute. The definition is the same as the gfxdata attribute defined in Section