2.1.598 Part 1 Section, col (Column Width & Formatting)

a.   The standard describes the min attribute of without any restrictions on its minimum or maximum values.

Office requires the min attribute to be between 1 and 16384 inclusive.

b.   The standard defines the values of the max attribute without any restrictions on its length other than what is called for in xs:unsignedInt.

Office requires the max attribute to be between values 1 and 16384 inclusive.

c.   The standard defines the width attribute without any restrictions on the length.

Office requires the width attribute be between 0 and 255 inclusive.

d.   The standard states that the values of the style attribute are defined by the XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.

Office requires that the style attribute be between 0 and 65429 inclusive.

e.   The standard defines the outlineLevel attribute without specifying its maximum value.

Office specifies the outlineLevel attributes maximum value is 7.

f.   The standard defines the width attribute as the number of characters times the maximum digit width of the numbers 0, 1, …, 9 as rendered in the normal style's font, plus 2 pixels of margin padding on each side, plus 1 pixel padding for the gridlines.

Office specifies the formula as width = Truncate( ( ( ( ( ( NoC * MDW + PP ) ) + ( ( NoC * MDW + PP ) MOD 8 ) ) - PP ) / MDW ) * 256 ) / 256.