2.1.476 Part 1 Section, GREETINGLINE

a.   The standard defines \c as both the alternate text switch and the format switch.

In Word, the format switch is \f.

b.   The standard does not explain how the \f switch specifies the format of the field value.

In Word, the text in this switch's field-argument specifies the greeting line format by providing placeholders which reference a fieldMapData element ("[ISO/IEC-29500-1] §17.14.15; fieldMapData").  The placeholder will be expanded to the current mail merge entry in the column specified by the value in the name element where the mappedName of the placeholder matches the mappedName of the fieldMapData.

The following are the possible placeholders and corresponding mapped merge field names are reserved:




_BEFORE_ text

/g text

This placeholder specifies that text shall be inserted before the greeting line.

_AFTER_ text

/x text

This placeholder specifies that text shall be inserted after the greeting line.



Courtesy Title






First Name



Last Name






Spouse/Partner Courtesy Title



Spouse/Partner First Name

The following are the possible greeting line formats.

Greeting Line Formats


<<_TITLE0_>><<and _TITLE1_>><<_LAST0_>>





<<_FIRST0_>><<and _FIRST1_>><<_LAST0_>>

<<_NICK0_>><<and _FIRST1_>><<_LAST0_>>



<<_FIRST0_>><<and _FIRST1_>>

<<_NICK0_>><<and _FIRST1_>>

<<Mr. and Mrs. _LAST0_>>

The <<_BEFORE_ text>> and <<_AFTER_ text>> placeholders may optionally come anywhere within a greeting line format.

<< and >> shall be omitted when displaying the greeting line.

If any of the placeholders in the greeting line format cannot be resolved, or are empty, the text specified in the /e switch shall be the field result.  If a greeting line format is not one of the possible greeting line formats specified in the preceding table, the text specified in the /e switch shall be the field result.

c.   The standard defines the alternate text switch as \c.

In Word, the alternate text switch is \e.