2.1.1152 Part 1 Section 19.5.22, cBhvr (Common Behavior)

a.   The standard states that the by attribute specifies a relative offset value for the animation.

The string value represents a 2D point, for example "0.5 0.5" or "(#ppt_x-0.1, #ppt_w)". The two elements can be real numbers, or formula. They are separated either by space or by comma. When using a formula, it must be enclosed in parentheses. The format is specified as follows:

2d_point = 2d_point_number | 2d_point_formula ;

2d_point_number = real_number , ( ‘ ‘ | ’,’ ) , real_number ;

2d_point_formula = ‘(‘ , formula , ( ‘ ‘ | ‘,‘ ) , formula , ‘)’ ;

real_number is further specified in "[ISO/IEC-29500-1] §19.5.89; to"

formula is further specified in "[ISO/IEC-29500-1] §19.5.79; tav"

b.   The standard states that the from attribute specifies a relative offset value for the animation.

The string value represents a 2D point, for example "0.5 0.5" or "(#ppt_x-0.1, #ppt_w)". The two elements can be real numbers, or formula. They are separated either by space or by comma. When using a formula, it must be enclosed within parentheses. The format is specified as follows:

2d_point = 2d_point_number | 2d_point_formula ;

2d_point_number = real_number , ( ‘ ‘ | ’,’ ) , real_number ;

2d_point_formula = ‘(‘ , formula , ( ‘ ‘ | ‘,‘ ) , formula , ‘)’ ;

real_number is further specified in "[ISO/IEC-29500-1] §19.5.89; to"

formula is further specified in "[ISO/IEC-29500-1] §19.5.79; tav"

c.   The standard states that the to attribute specifies a relative offset value for the animation.

The string value represents a 2D point, for example "0.5 0.5" or "(#ppt_x-0.1, #ppt_w)". The two elements can be real numbers, or formula. They are separated either by space or by comma. When a using formula, it must be enclosed within parentheses. The format is specified as follows:

2d_point = 2d_point_number | 2d_point_formula ;

2d_point_number = real_number , ( ‘ ‘ | ’,’ ) , real_number ;

2d_point_formula = ‘(‘ , formula , ( ‘ ‘ | ‘,‘ ) , formula , ‘)’ ;

real_number is further specified in "[ISO/IEC-29500-1] §19.5.89; to"

formula is further specified in "[ISO/IEC-29500-1] §19.5.79; tav"

d.   The standard does not state a default value for the additive attribute.

PowerPoint uses a default value of base for the additive attribute.

e.   The standard does not state a default value for the accumulate attribute.

PowerPoint uses a default value of none for the accumulate attribute.

f.   The standard does not state a default value for the xfrmType attribute.

PowerPoint uses a default value of pt for the xfrmType attribute.

g.   The standard states that the rctx attribute describes the runtime context of the animation and that the understood values are PPT and IE.

Office places additional restrictions on the format for the value of the rctx attribute as follows:

runtime_context = context_atom, { ‘;’, context_atom } [ ‘;’ ];

context_atom = [ relation_operator, Space ],  app_abbrev, [ Space , version ];

relation_operator = gte | gt | lte | lt | not;

app_abbrev = PPT_abbrev | IE_abbrev;

PPT_abbrev =  ( ‘p’ | ‘P’ ), ( ‘p’ | ‘P’ ), ( ‘t’ | ‘T’ );

IE_abbrev = ( ‘i’ | ‘I’ ), ( ‘e’ | ‘E’ );

version = dec_number, [ ‘.’ ], [ dec_number ];

dec_number = Digit, { Digit };

gte = ‘g’, ‘t’, ‘e’;

gt = ‘g’, ‘t’;

lte = ‘l’, ‘t’, ‘e’;

lt = ‘l’, ‘t’;

not = ‘!’;

Space = ‘ ‘, { ‘ ‘ };

Digit = ‘0’ | ‘1’ | ‘2’ | ‘3’ | ‘4’ | ‘5’ | ‘6’ | ‘7’ | ‘8’ | ‘9’;