2.1.987 Part 1 Section, LOGEST

a.   The standard specifies the equation for the curve is y = b * mx or y=b*(m1*x1)*(m2*x2)*...) if there are multiple values

Office uses the following equation for the curve: y = b * (m^x) or y=b*(m1^x1)*(m2^x2)...(mn^xn) if there are multiple values

b.   The standard does not place any restrictions on dimensions of known-ys or known-xs.

In Office, if known-ys and known-xs are not the same size, or known-ys does not contain exactly one value for each row or column of known-xs, #REF! is returned.

c.   The standard specifies the following syntax: LOGEST  (  known-ys  [  ,  [  known-xs  ]  [  ,  [  const-flag  ] [  ,  stats-flag  ] ]  ).

Office uses the following syntax: LOGEST  (  known-ys  [  ,  [  known-xs  ]  [  ,  [  const-flag  ] [  ,  [  stats-flag  ] ] ] ]  ).