2.1.862 Part 1 Section, Operators

a.   The standard does not specify the productions for operator using EBNF.

Office writes the productions for operator using the following EBNF:

   ":"  |  comma  |  space  |  "^"  |  "*"  |  "/"  |  "+"  |  "-"
   |  "&"  |  "="  |  "<>"  |  "<"  |  "<="  |  ">"  |  ">="  |  "%"  ;
   ":"  |  comma  |  space  |  "^"  |  "*"  |  "/"  |  "+"  |  "-"  |  "&"
   |  "="  |  "<>"  |  "<"  |  "<="  |  ">"  |  ">="  ;
   "%"  ;
   "+"  |  "-";

b.   The standard states that an expression with value 0 tests logically false while one with any nonzero value tests true.

In Office, an expression with value 0 tests logically false while one with any nonzero numeric value tests true.