2.1.623 Part 1 Section, formula (Formula)

a.   The standard states that the content of this element is a formula whose calculated value specifies the criteria for the conditional formatting rule.

If the parent element for formula is rdn ("[ISO/IEC-29500-1] §; rdn"), then the formula element represents a formula for a defined name and is defined by the grammar in Name Formulas (§, Name Formulas).

If the parent element for formula is cfRule ("[ISO/IEC-29500-1] §; cfRule"), then the formula element represents a formula for a conditional formatting rule, and is defined by the grammar in Conditional Formatting Formulas (§, Conditional Formatting Formulas).

b.   The standard makes no mention of an xml:space attribute.

Excel uses this attribute to specify, using the W3C space preservation rules, how white space should be handled for the element's contents; its allowed values are defined by the XML 1.0 specification.