2.1.1722 Part 1 Section, TitlesOfParts (Part Titles)

a.   The standard specifies the TitlesOfParts element but provides no direction on application specific part titles.

In Excel, the TitlesOfParts element can contain Worksheet names, Dialogsheet names, Chart names and Named ranges.

b.   The standard does not state the relationship with the HeadingPairs property.

In Office, the part titles specified in the HeadingPairs property are linked to HeadingPairs ("[ISO/IEC-29500-1] §; HeadingPairs") entries. Hence there shall not be more document part titles listed here than the sum of all parts listed in HeadingPairs property.

 [Example: A presentation composed of three slides with an applied theme "Currency" may have the following TitlesofParts and HeadingPairs representation:

   <vt:vector size="4" baseType="lpstr">
     <vt:lpstr>Slide 1</vt:lpstr>
     <vt:lpstr>Slide 2</vt:lpstr>
     <vt:lpstr>Slide 3</vt:lpstr>
   <vt:vector size="4" baseType="variant">
       <vt:lpstr>Slide Titles</vt:lpstr>






end example]