
Target namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2007/BusinessDataCatalog

Referenced by: LobSystems

A complex type that specifies an LobSystem.

For the Properties child element of LobSystem, the following three properties can be set and gotten by the [MS-CSOMSPT] methods SetLobSystemProperty ([MS-CSOMSPT] section and GetLobSystemProperty ([MS-CSOMSPT] section

WcfMexDocumentUrl: A URL that points to the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) of the WCF service to which you are connecting, for example "http://www.example.org/service.svc?wsdl".

ODataServiceMetadataUrl:<16> A URL that points to the service metadata of the OData service to which you are connecting, for example "http://odata.netflix.com/v2/Catalog/$metadata".

ODataConnectionSettingsId:<17> Represents the identifier for an external connection to an OData service. An external connection is a structure which encapsulates connection-specific properties such as URL, Authentication Mode, or Credentials created by the Farm or Tenant admin.

Child Elements:

LocalizedDisplayNames: A LocalizedDisplayNames element (section that specifies the localized names of the Model.

Properties: A Properties element (section that specifies the Properties of the Model.

AccessControlList: An AccessControlList element (section that specifies the access control list (ACL) of the Model.

Proxy: An xs:string element that specifies the base64 encoding representation specified in [RFC4648] of the information about Business Logic Modules<18> associated with the LobSystem containing this element. The information contained in this element MUST be in the format specified by the following ABNF, as specified by [RFC5234]:

Information = HashLength Hash Modules

HashLength = HashLength1 HashLength2

HashLength1 = OCTET

HashLength2 = OCTET

Hash = WebServiceHash / WcfHash / DotNetHash/ CustomHash

WebServiceHash = *OCTET

WcfHash = *OCTET

DotNetHash = 4*4%x00

CustomHash = *OCTET

Modules = WebServiceModule / WcfModule/ DotNetModule / CustomModule

WebServiceModule = Assembly

WcfModule = Assembly

DotNetModule= 1*(Size Assembly)

Size = Size1 Size2 Size3 Size4

Size1 = OCTET

Size2 = OCTET

Size3 = OCTET

Size4 = OCTET

Assembly = *OCTET

CustomModule = *OCTET

HashLength1, HashLength2: represent the length of the Hash. The length of the Hash MUST be HashLength1 + 256*HashLength2.

Size1, Size2, Size3, Size4: represent the length of the Assembly. The length of the Assembly MUST be ((((Size4 * 256) + Size3) * 256) + Size2)*256 + Size1.

Assembly: The bytes of a Business Logic Module.<19>

WebServiceHash: An implementation-specific identifier of the Business Logic Module<20> represented by the webServiceModule. Hash MUST be "WebServiceHash" when the Type attribute of the LobSystem is "WebService".

WcfHash: An implementation-specific identifier of the Business Logic Module<21> represented by the WcfModule. Hash MUST be "WcfHash" when the Type attribute of the LobSystem is "Wcf".

DotNetHash: Hash MUST be "DotNetHash" when the Type attribute of the LobSystem is "DotNetAssembly".

CustomHash: An implementation-specific identifier of the Business Logic Module<22> represented by the CustomModule. Hash MUST be "CustomHash" when the Type attribute of the LobSystem is "Custom".

WebServiceModule: Modules MUST be WebServiceModule when the Type attribute of the LobSystem is "WebService"

WcfModule: Modules MUST be WcfModule when the Type attribute of the LobSystem is "Wcf"

DotNetModule: Modules MUST be DotNetModule when the Type attribute of the LobSystem is "DotNetAssembly"

CustomModule: An implementation-specific collection of Business Logic Modules.<23> Modules MUST be CustomModule when the Type attribute of the LobSystem is "Custom"

LobSystemInstances: An LobSystemInstances element (section that specifies a list of LobSystemInstances of the LobSystem.

Entities: An Entities element (section that specifies a list of Entities of the LobSystem.


Type: An LobSystemType attribute (section that specifies the type of the LobSystem.

Name: A NameString attribute (section that specifies the name of the Model.

DefaultDisplayName: A NameString attribute that specifies the default display name of the Model.

IsCached: An xs:boolean attribute that specifies whether the Model is used frequently. This MAY<24> be used as a recommendation as to whether to cache the Model. This attribute MUST be set to one of the values listed in the following table.




The Model is infrequently used.


The Model is frequently used.

The following W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1/2] section 2.1) fragment specifies the contents of this complex type.

 <xs:complexType name="LobSystem">
     <xs:extension base="bdc:IndividuallySecurableMetadataObject">
         <xs:element name="Proxy" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
         <xs:element name="LobSystemInstances" type="bdc:LobSystemInstances" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
           <xs:unique name="LobSystemInstanceNameKey">
             <xs:selector xpath="*"/>
             <xs:field xpath="@Name"/>
         <xs:element name="Entities" type="bdc:Entities" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
           <xs:unique name="EntityNameNamespaceVersionKey">
             <xs:selector xpath="*"/>
             <xs:field xpath="@Name"/>
             <xs:field xpath="@Namespace"/>
             <xs:field xpath="@Version"/>
       <xs:attribute name="Type" type="bdc:LobSystemType" use="required"/>

See section 5.1 for the full W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1/2] section 2.1).