
This operation deletes a Document Workspace from the protocol server.

The protocol client sends a DeleteDwsSoapIn request message, and the protocol server responds with a DeleteDwsSoapOut response message, as follows:

 <wsdl:operation name="DeleteDws">
     <wsdl:input message="tns:DeleteDwsSoapIn" />
     <wsdl:output message="tns:DeleteDwsSoapOut" />

The protocol server MUST return an Error element with a NoAccess code if the authenticated user is not authorized to delete the Document Workspace. If the specified Document Workspace has subsites, the protocol server MUST return an Error element with the WebContainsSubwebs error code.

If the specified Document Workspace does not exist, the protocol server SHOULD<7> return HTTP status code 404 with response body which contains text "404 FILE NOT FOUND".

If the specified Document Workspace is the root site of the site collection, the protocol server MUST return an Error element with the ServerFailure error code.

If none of the prior conditions apply, the protocol server MUST delete the specified Document Workspace and return a Result element.