
Namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/taxonomy/soap/

A write operation on the members of a term set is defined as follows.

 <xs:complexType name="SerializedECMTermSetMembershipTableRowForWrite">
   <xs:complexContent mixed="false">
     <xs:extension base="SerializedECMTermSetMembershipTableRowBase">
       <xs:attribute name="a5" type="CommandAction" use="required"/>
       <xs:attribute name="a46" type="InternalIdentifier" use="optional"/>
       <xs:attribute name="a47" type="InternalIdentifier" use="optional"/>

a5: A CommandAction (section specifying what kind of write operation is performed on the members of the term set. The value MUST NOT be "4" (Copy) or "5" (Merge).

If the value is "2" (Delete), the a17, a26, a67, a46 and a47 attributes MUST be absent.

a46: The internal identifier of the term set from which this term set membership is moved. If the value of a5 is "3" (Move), a46 MUST be present. Otherwise, a46 MUST be absent.

a47: The internal identifier of the parent term from which this term set membership is moved. If the value of a5 is "3" (Move), a47 MUST be present. Otherwise, a47 MUST be absent.