
The CommandParameter complex type is an input used by all protocol server operations.

 <s:complexType name="CommandParameter">
     <s:element name="WorkbookId" type="s:string" minOccurs="0"/>
     <s:element name="StateId" type="s:int"/>
     <s:element name="VisibleSheetRangeRequest" type="tns:VisibleSheetRange" minOccurs="0"/>
     <s:element name="WorkOnBehalfRequest" type="tns:WorkOnBehalf" minOccurs="0"/>
     <s:element name="CredentialsResponse" type="tns:CredentialsResponse" minOccurs="0"/>
     <s:element name="Confirmation" type="tns:ExcelServerMessageId"/>
     <s:element name="ConfirmationChoice" type="s:boolean"/>
     <s:element name="EwrCall" type="s:boolean"/>

The following applies to the CommandParameter complex type, unless extended or overridden by an operation specification:

WorkbookId: The session identifier (2) that is returned in the workbookId as specified in section See section If present, it MUST NOT be empty. For all operations other than OpenWorkbook operation, WorkbookId MUST have a value which has been obtained from a previous call to OpenWorkbook operation. For the OpenWorkbook operation:

  • If a session identifier (2) has already been returned by the protocol server for a previous OpenWorkbook operation, WorkbookId MUST have that value.

  • If this operation is used to create a new session (2) on the protocol server, WorkbookId MUST NOT be present.

StateId: The state identifier as specified in Section 3.1.1. The state identifier for a session (2) MUST be incremented on every operation that changes the state of the session (2). The protocol server MUST verify that StateId, sent by the protocol client, is equal to the state identifier for the session (2), unless StateId is -1 or the operation is OpenWorkbook, in which case the protocol server MUST ignore it. In the event that the StateId, sent by the protocol client, is not equal to the state identifier for the session (2), the server MUST return an ExcelServerMessage as specified in section The id element of the ExcelServerMessage MUST be OperationOnInvalidState.

VisibleSheetRangeRequest: The requested range that will be returned by the protocol server in SpreadsheetData, as specified in section See section

WorkOnBehalfRequest: User information as specified in section MUST be present if the access model is trusted subsystem. Otherwise, MUST NOT be present.

CredentialsResponse: A single sign-on (SSO) ticket as specified in section MUST be present and MUST NOT be empty, if CredentialsRequest in the last response from the protocol server, as specified in section, was present.

Confirmation: The external data refresh confirmation. MUST be either ConfirmDataRefresh or Blank. MUST be ConfirmDataRefresh, with ConfirmationChoice set to true to allow external data refresh for the lifetime of the session (2), or with ConfirmationChoice set to false to prevent external data refresh for the current operation. Otherwise, the protocol server MUST ignore ConfirmationChoice.

ConfirmationChoice: The external data refresh confirmation choice. See Confirmation.

EwrCall: The protocol server MUST ignore the value unless specified otherwise. The protocol client MAY pass any value.