
This operation is used to retrieve the filter values and filter date values and their captions in the AutoFilterItemList (section in the operation response for an AutoFilter in the workbook.

 <wsdl:operation name="GetAutoFilterItemList">
   <wsdl:input wsam:Action="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalService/ExcelServiceSoap/GetAutoFilterItemList" message="tns:ExcelServiceSoap_GetAutoFilterItemList_InputMessage"/>
   <wsdl:output wsam:Action="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalService/ExcelServiceSoap/GetAutoFilterItemListResponse" message="tns:ExcelServiceSoap_GetAutoFilterItemList_OutputMessage"/>
   <wsdl:fault wsam:Action="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/Excel/Server/WebServices/ExcelServerInternalService/ExcelServiceSoap/GetAutoFilterItemListExcelServerMessageFault" name="ExcelServerMessageFault" message="tns:ExcelServiceSoap_GetAutoFilterItemList_ExcelServerMessageFault_FaultMessage"/>

The protocol client sends an ExcelServiceSoap_GetAutoFilterItemList_InputMessage request message, and the protocol server responds with an ExcelServiceSoap_GetAutoFilterItemList_OutputMessage response message, as follows:

  1. The protocol server fills the AutoFilterItems and AutoFilterDateNodes elements with information about filtering as follows:

    1. The protocol server adds the filter values that exist in the AutoFilter with their current filtering state as specified in section and AutoFilterItems.

    2. The protocol server adds the filter date values that exist in the AutoFilter with their current filtering state as specified in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo (section and AutoFilterDateNodes. The protocol server also adds the filter date value caption for the Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second elements of the AutoFilterDateNodeInfo as follows:

      1. Each unique value of the Year element in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo in the AutoFilterDateNodes element is added by the protocol server to YearKeys element as specified in YearKeys element. The protocol server also adds the corresponding caption to YearValues as specified in YearValues element.

      2. Each unique value of the Month element in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo in the AutoFilterDateNodes element is added by the protocol server to MonthKeys element as specified in MonthKeys element. The protocol server also adds the corresponding caption to MonthValues as specified in MonthValues element.

      3. Each unique value of the Day element in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo in the AutoFilterDateNodes element is added by the protocol server to DayKeys element as specified in DayKeys element. The protocol server also adds the corresponding caption to DayValues as specified in DayValues element.

      4. Each unique value of the Hour element in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo in the AutoFilterDateNodes element is added by the protocol server to HourKeys element as specified in HourKeys element. The protocol server also adds the corresponding caption to HourValues as specified in HourValues element.

      5. Each unique value of the Minute element in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo in the AutoFilterDateNodes element is added by the protocol server to MinuteKeys element as specified in MinuteKeys element. The protocol server also adds the corresponding caption to MinuteValues as specified in MinuteValues element.

      6. Each unique value of the Second element in AutoFilterDateNodeInfo in the AutoFilterDateNodes element is added by the protocol server to SecondKeys element as specified in SecondKeys element. The protocol server also adds the corresponding caption to SecondValues as specified in SecondValues element.

In the event of an application error on the protocol server during this operation, a SOAP fault is returned, as specified in section 2.2.2. The Id element of the ExcelServerMessage SHOULD<18> be one of the values specified in section