
This structure contains the return value for the GetForm operation. This structure is defined as follows:

 <s:element name="GetFormResponse">
       <s:element name="GetFormResult" minOccurs="0">
             <s:element name="Form">
                 <s:attribute name="Type" use="required">
                     <s:restriction base="s:string">
                       <s:enumeration value="DisplayForm" />
                       <s:enumeration value="EditForm" />
                       <s:enumeration value="NewForm" />
                       <s:enumeration value="NewFormDialog" />
                       <s:enumeration value="SolutionForm" />
                 <s:attribute name="Name"
                 <s:attribute name="Url"
                     type="s:string" use="required"/>
                 <s:attribute name="Default">
                    <s:restriction base="s:string">
                      <s:pattern value="[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee]"/>
                 <s:attribute name="FormID"
                 <s:attribute name="Template"
                 <s:attribute name="WebPartZoneID"
                 <s:attribute name="SetupPath"

GetFormResult: A structure that holds the data returned from the WSDL operation.

Form: A complex type that holds the information of a form.

Type: A string indicating the general type of form as specified in [MS-WSSCAML] section

Name: The unique identifier of the form.

Url: The server relative URL of the page hosting the form.

Default: A Boolean value as specified in [MS-WSSCAML] section 2.1.12. Specifies whether the form is the default form of the list. It is an optional attribute that appears only if previously set in the XML schema of the form definition.

FormId: A string that contains a non-negative integer. This SHOULD<2> be unique for each form in the back-end database server. It is an optional attribute that appears only if previously set in the XML schema of the form definition.

Template: The form template name. It is an optional attribute that appears only if previously set in the XML schema of the form definition.

WebPartZoneID: Identifier of the Web Part zone that contains the form. It is an optional attribute that appears only if previously set in the XML schema of the form definition.

SetupPath: Source path to the uncustomized document of the form. It is an optional attribute that appears only if previously set in the XML schema of the form definition.