
The PropertiesSubRequestDataOptionalAttributes attribute group contains attributes that MUST be used only for SubRequestData element associated with the parent SubRequest element for a Properties subrequest. The attributes in PropertiesSubRequestDataOptionalAttributes are used as input parameters for processing the data associated with a Properties subrequest. The definition of the PropertiesSubRequestDataOptionalAttributes attribute group is as follows:

 <xs:attributeGroup name="PropertiesSubRequestDataOptionalAttributes">
     <xs:attribute name="Properties" type="tns:PropertiesRequestTypes" use="optional"/>

Properties: A PropertiesRequestTypes (section that specifies the type of Properties subrequest.

Depending on the type of the Properties subrequest, the following table shows a mapping between the type of Properties subrequest and the elements that MUST be specified for that Properties, signified by “Yes”.

Value of Properties



