
The GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType complex type contains information about the success or failure in processing GetDocMetaInfo subrequest. In the case of success, its child elements contain information requested as part of the GetDocMetaInfo subrequest. In the case of failure, the ErrorCode attribute that is part of a SubResponse element specifies the error code result for this subrequest. The ErrorCode attribute is specified in section SubResponseType is defined in section

 <xs:complexType name="GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseType">
     <xs:extension base="tns:SubResponseType">
       <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
           <xs:element name="SubResponseData" type="tns:GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseDataType"/>          

SubResponseData: A GetDocMetaInfoSubResponseDataType whose child nodes contain information provided by the protocol server that was requested as part of the GetDocMetaInfo subrequest. As part of processing the GetDocMetaInfo subrequest, the SubResponseData element MUST be sent as part of the SubResponse element in a cell storage service response message only if the following condition is true:

  • The ErrorCode attribute that is part of the SubResponse element is set to a value of "Success".

The protocol server sets the value of the ErrorCode attribute to "Success" only if the protocol server succeeds in processing the GetDocMetaInfo subrequest. The ErrorCode attribute is specified in section