
The ExclusiveLockReturnReasonTypes simple type is used to represent string values that indicate the reason why an exclusive lock is granted on a file in a cell storage service response message.

 <xs:simpleType name="ExclusiveLockReturnReasonTypes">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
       <xs:enumeration value="CoauthoringDisabled" />
       <xs:enumeration value="CheckedOutByCurrentUser" />
       <xs:enumeration value="CurrentUserHasExclusiveLock" />

The value of ExclusiveLockReturnReasonTypes MUST be one of the values in the following table.




The string value "CoauthoringDisabled", indicating that an exclusive lock is granted on a file because coauthoring is disabled.


The string value "CheckedOutByCurrentUser", indicating that an exclusive lock is granted on the file because the file is checked out by the current user who sent the cell storage service request message.


The string value "CurrentUserHasExclusiveLock", indicating that an exclusive lock is granted on the file because the current user who sent the cell storage service request message already has an existing exclusive lock on the file<19>.