
The sharepointListAdapter element specifies the properties of a data adapter that MUST be created to query a list. The list MUST be used as a secondary data source, and the list data adapter MUST NOT support submitting the form file.

Parent Elements



Child Elements



infopathGroup: This attribute specifies the name of the parent XML element under which all query data is saved in the form file. The data adapter MUST save each returned query data item as a child of the specified element.

name: This attribute specifies the name of the data adapter. The specified name MUST be unique for all data adapters within the form template.

queryAllowed: This attribute specifies whether the data adapter is allowed to query the list (1) for data. If this attribute is not present, its value MUST be interpreted as "yes".

sharepointGuid: This attribute specifies the GUID of the list.

siteUrl: This attribute specifies the URL of the parent site.

submitAllowed: This attribute specifies whether the data adapter is allowed to submit data to the list (1). This attribute MUST NOT be set to "yes". If this attribute is not present, its value MUST be interpreted as "no".

The following W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1] section 2.1) fragment specifies the contents of this element.

 <xsd:element name="sharepointListAdapter">
       <xsd:element name="field" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
           <xsd:attribute name="sharepointName" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
           <xsd:attribute name="infopathName" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
           <xsd:attribute name="isLookup" type="xsf:xdYesNo" use="optional"/>
     <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsf:xdTitle" use="required"/>
     <xsd:attribute name="siteUrl" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
     <xsd:attribute name="sharepointGuid" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
     <xsd:attribute name="infopathGroup" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
     <xsd:attribute name="queryAllowed" type="xsf:xdYesNo" use="optional"/>
     <xsd:attribute name="submitAllowed" type="xsf:xdYesNo" use="optional"/>