
The DataDefinition complex type specifies items contained within a list.

 <s:complexType name="DataDefinition" mixed="true">
     <s:any minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   <s:attribute name="ItemCount" type="s:string" use="required" />
   <s:attribute name="ListItemCollectionPositionNext" type ="s:string" use="optional"/>

The DataDefinition element contains a required ItemCount attribute, and an optional ListItemCollectionPositionNext attribute. The ItemCount attribute is an unsigned 32-bit integer that specifies the number of list items that are included in the response. The ListItemCollectionPositionNext attribute is used by protocol server methods that support paging of results. It is an opaque string returned by the protocol server that allows the protocol client to pass in a subsequent call to get the next page of data.

The DataDefinition element further contains a number of z:row elements equal to the value of the ItemCount attribute. z is equal to #RowsetSchema in the Microsoft ADO 2.6 Persistence format (as specified in [MS-PRSTFR]). Each z:row element describes a single list item. The names of the attributes of this element correspond to the names of fields in the list.