
Namespace: http://www.microsoft.com/performancepoint/scorecards

Specifies the properties of an OLAP member hierarchy.

 <xs:complexType name="MemberSet" abstract="true" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
   <xs:attribute name="FilterEmpty" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/>
   <xs:attribute name="HierarchyType" type="tns:HierarchyType" use="required"/>
   <xs:attribute name="Hierarchize" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/>
   <xs:attribute name="Distinct" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/>
   <xs:attribute name="HierarchyName" type="xs:string"/>

FilterEmpty: This attribute MUST be present and MUST be true if the FILTER function MUST be used in the MDX query; otherwise, false.

HierarchyType: This attribute MUST be present. It specifies the type of the hierarchy that the members belong to. It MUST conform to the schema of  HierarchyType (section simple type.

Hierarchize: This attribute MUST be present and MUST be true if the HIERARCHIZE function MUST be used in the MDX query; otherwise, false.

Distinct: This attribute MUST be present and MUST be true if the DISTINCT function MUST be used in the MDX query; otherwise, false.

HierarchyName: This attribute MUST NOT be null. It specifies the unique name of the hierarchy.