
Namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/performancepoint/2007/03/query

An alternate representation of a MDX query that includes the member selections of each axis.

 <xs:complexType name="QueryState" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
     <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Axes" type="tns:ArrayOfAxis"/>
     <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="IsEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
     <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="UnknownFilterParameter" type="xs:boolean"/>
     <xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="ShowDatasourceFormatting" type="xs:boolean"/>
     <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DataSourceLocation" type="tns:RepositoryLocation"/>

Axes: An ArrayOfAxis (see section collection that contains the member selections for each axis.  It MUST NOT be null.

IsEnabled: Specifies whether the QueryState object represents the query for the report.  A value of true indicates that the QueryState object will be used. A value of false indicates that the QueryState object will not be used.

UnknownFilterParameter: Specifies whether or not an aggregation of multiple members are selected on one of the filter axes. A value of true indicates that multiple members are selected on a filter axis. A value of false indicates that they are not.

ShowDatasourceFormatting: Specifies whether or not formatting information from the data source is used to determine how to display data. A value of true indicates that formatting information from the data source is to be used. A value of false indicates that it is not.

DataSourceLocation: A RepositoryLocation object (see section that specifies the location on the server (2) of the data source object associated with this query state. It MUST NOT be null.