The group element is an anonymous construct, used in the context of ElementType elements or another group, that helps to organize child elements; their valid sequences and number of occurrences. For more information about ElementType elements, see section The following XML schema defines the group schema element:
<xs:element name='group'> <xs:complexType > <xs:choice minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'> <xs:element ref='xdr:description'/> <xs:element ref='xdr:element'/> <xs:element ref='xdr:group'/> <xs:any namespace='##other' processContents='skip'/> </xs:choice> <xs:attribute ref='xdr:order'/> <xs:attributeGroup ref='xdr:minmax'/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace='##other'/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>
description: A description for the group element.
element: One or more element elements that might appear in that group. For more information about element elements, see section
group: A structural construct to control the order and number of the elements listed inside of this group schema element. In other words, group can contain another group (or groups).
order: A schema attribute indicating in which order the elements can appear. Possible values are defined in section
minmax: The number of occurrences in the given context, see section