Geometry Path

A path is a collection of vertices and line or curve segments that specifies an enclosed area. The geometry of a shape is specified by a collection of paths.

Each Geometry Section_Type element specifies a path. Each Row_Type child element specifies a vertex of that path, a segment of that path, or both.

If the Row_Type element is of type Ellipse or InfiniteLine, it specifies the only segment of the path.

Otherwise, if the Row_Type element is of type MoveTo or RelMoveTo, it specifies the first vertex in the path or the first vertex after a break in the path.

Otherwise, the Row_Type element specifies a vertex and a segment that connects the vertex of the previous Row_Type element to the vertex specified in the current Row_Type element.

For a path to be visible, the following conditions are necessary.

  • The shape containing the path is not on a layer whose Visible Cell_Type element has a value equal to zero.

  • The value of the NoShow Cell_Type child of the path’s Geometry Section_Type element is not equal to one.

The visibility of the path’s line and the visibility of the path’s fill are specified, respectively, by the NoLine and NoFill Cell_Type child elements of the path’s Geometry Section_Type element.

The format of the path’s line and the format of the path’s fill are specified, respectively, by the line property and fill property of the shape containing the path.