
The vDoubleEx custom input type specifies either a vNum custom token grouping or a PtgCy parse token derived from a source token that MUST be a vNumAny custom token grouping or a PtgString or PtgCy parse token. The vDoubleEx is the vDouble custom input type with the following exceptions and additional computed properties.

Unit: This property specifies the Unit of a numeric value, date value, or currency value. If the source token is a PtgCy, the property specifies the Unit of a currency value, which is defined as "CY". Otherwise, Unit is equal to the type of the source token interpreted as a vDouble.

Currency: This property specifies the Currency of a currency value. If the source token is a PtgCy, the Currency is equal to the Currency of the source token. Otherwise, it does not have a Currency and the custom input type specifies a vNum.