Shape Data

A shape can have data associated with it that provides information about its meaning. A shape’s data is stored as a set of shape data fields.

Each shape data field is specified by a Row_Type child element of the Property Section_Type element for the shape. This Row_Type element specifies the information about the shape data field properties using a collection of Cell_Type elements. It is either contained under a ShapeSheet_Type element for the shape or it is inherited.

A collection of Cell_Type elements that define the properties of the shape data field is composed of Calendar, DataLinked, Format, Invisible, Label, LangID, Type, and Value Cell_Type elements.

The name of a shape data field is specified by the N attribute of the Row_Type element for the field. The value of a shape data field is specified by the Value Cell_Type element. The data type of a shape data field is specified by the Type Cell_Type element.