Theme Inheritance

A shape in a web drawing takes on the format properties specified by its dynamic theme components and quick style slices through inheritance. Format properties from the dynamic theme are represented as a dynamic theme style sheet that is linked to from other style sheets, masters, and shapes. A relationship to a dynamic theme style sheet is called theme inheritance.

Theme inheritance allows a style sheet, master, or shape to take on properties from the cells of the dynamic theme style sheet it inherits from. These inheritances in a web drawing are specified as style-to-shape inheritance, style-to-master inheritance, and style-to-style inheritance.

A dynamic theme style sheet in a web drawing is specified by a StyleSheet_Type child element of the StyleSheets_Type child element of the VisioDocument element in the Document XML Part. A dynamic theme style sheet is uniquely identified by a StyleSheet_Type element whose NameU attribute is equal to "Theme".