Document Information and Content (Read) Result Set

The Document Information and Content (Read) Result Set contains information about the content of the document stream for the requested document.

The Document Information and Content (Read) Result Set MUST only be returned if @GetContent is set to "1" and @Version is negative. If the document exists, the Document Information and Content (Read) Result Set MUST contain one row; otherwise, it MUST contain zero rows.

The Document Information and Content (Read) Result Set is similar to the Document Information and Content (Update) Result Set (section, except for column naming.

       {Size}                         int,
       {Content}                      varbinary(MAX),
       {RbsId}                        varbinary(800),
       ETagVersion                    int,
       Id                             uniqueidentifier,
       SetupPathVersion               tinyint,
       SetupPath                      nvarchar(255),
       Dirty                          bit,
       DocFlags                       int,
       {IsHistoricalVersion}          bit,
       Level                          tinyint,
       InternalVersion                int,
       DoclibRowId                    int,
       VirusVendorID                  int,
       VirusStatus                    int,
       VirusInfo                      nvarchar(255)

{Size}: The size of the requested document in bytes.

{Content}: The document stream content of the document. For a ghosted document, content MUST be NULL. If the content is larger than the value specified in the @ChunkSize parameter, then the amount of data returned from the document stream will be equal to the number of bytes specified by the @ChunkSize parameter starting at the first byte of the document stream. The front-end web server can then request individual chunks of content in subsequent requests.

{RbsId}: If remote blob storage is enabled and the document's content is contained in a remote data store, then this MUST be the remote blob storage identifier for the document's content. If remote blob storage is disabled or the document's content is not contained in a remote data store, then this MUST contain NULL. For additional information regarding remote blob storage, see [MS-WSSO] section

ETagVersion: An internal version counter incremented any time a change is made to this document, used for internal conflict detection. This value MUST be set to the current ETagVersion value for the document in the Docs View (section, except in the Document Version Information and Content Result Set (section, where this value MUST be NULL.

Id: The document identifier (section of this document.

SetupPathVersion: For a ghosted document, this governs the setup path location to which the SetupPath fragment is relative. This value MUST be NULL if the document does not exist and is undefined for a document that was never ghosted.<11>

SetupPath: For a document that is now or once was ghosted, SetupPath MUST contain the setup path fragment relative to the base setup path described by the SetupPathVersion value, where the content stream of this document can be found. This value MUST be NULL in the case of a document that does not exist or a document that was never ghosted.

Dirty: A bit set to "1" to indicate that this document MUST have dependency update processing performed before its document stream is returned to an external agent. This field's value is implementation-dependent if this document does not have a document stream and MUST be ignored if the document does not have a document stream.

DocFlags: A Doc Flags (section value describing the document. This value MUST be NULL if the document does not exist.

{IsHistoricalVersion}: MUST be 0.

Level: The Publishing Level type (section value of the requested version of the document.

InternalVersion: An integer value specifying the implementation-related internal version number of this version of the document.

DocLibRowId: The identifier of the row in the document library that represents this document. This value MUST be NULL if the document is not stored in a list.

VirusVendorId: The identifier of the virus scanner that processed this document. This value MUST be NULL if the document does not exist or if this document has not been processed by a virus scanner.

VirusStatus: A Virus Status (section value specifying the current virus scan status of this document. This value MUST be NULL if the document does not exist or if this document has not been processed by a virus scanner.

VirusInfo: A string containing a provider-specific message returned by the virus scanner when it last processed the document. This value MUST be NULL if the document does not exist or if the document has not been processed by a virus scanner.