2.1.9 DateTimeOffset
The DateTimeOffset data type<5> supports a value range from 0001-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 through 9999-12-31 23:59:59.9999999 in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone. The values of this data type are represented in the Unicode YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.nnnnnnn] [{+|-}hh:mm] string format, as follows.
Year = ("000"(%x31-39)) / ("00"(%x31-39)DIGIT) / ("0"(%x31-39)2DIGIT) Year =/ ((%x31-39)3DIGIT) Month = ("0"(%x31-39)) / ("1"("0"/"1"/"2")) Day = ("0"(%x31-39)) / (("1"/"2")DIGIT) / ("3"("0"/"1")) Hour = (("0"/"1")DIGIT) / ("2"(%x30-33)) MinSec = ":"(%x30-35)DIGIT OffsetHour = ("0"DIGIT) / ("1"(%x30-33)) OffSetMin = ((%x30-35)DIGIT)) / ("14:00") DateTimeOffset = Year "-" Month "-" Day SP Hour 2MinSec ["." 7DIGIT] [SP ("+"/"-") OffsetHour ":" OffsetMin]