2.4.1 PersistStorage

The PersistStorage structure is the default storage mechanism for most DTS objects. PersistStorage stores the persistent properties of the object into a substream of the object storage. The substream of the object storage is named "Properties".

PersistStorage also stores any persistent collections into substorages that have the name of the collection. Each substorage, in turn, contains the following items:

  • A stream, named "CollectionProperties", that contains a PropertyBag structure that has one variable. This variable is a LONG variable named "Count" that contains the number of collections.

  • A substorage named "Item<item number>" for each item in a collection. The substorage contains the properties for the item.

For example, a persisted DTS object that has persistent collections named Steps, Tasks, Connections, and GlobalVariables would be persisted by a substorage of the package version storage. The substorage of the package version storage would contain (at least) a stream named "Properties" and four substorages named "Steps", "Tasks", "Connections", and "GlobalVariables".