2.8.2 PropertyExpressionElementType

The PropertyExpressionElementType complex type specifies the type for the PropertyExpression element. The PropertyExpression element is commonly used throughout the DTSX structure.

The following is the XSD of the PropertyExpressionElementType complex type.

   <xs:complexType name="PropertyExpressionElementType">
       <xs:extension base="xs:anySimpleType">
         <xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>

The following table provides additional information about the attributes and types for the PropertyExpressionElementType complex type. 





The string given MUST be one of the valid Property element Name attribute values for a Property element attribute on the same object. Or, the string given MUST be a property of a task executable that is defined within the ObjectData element of that task executable.

Specifies the Name attribute of the PropertyExpression element. Each named property has its own use and interpretation.