2.26 QueryScanExpression

The QueryScanExpression element specifies a scan over all rows in the target entity. The QueryScanExpression element is of type QueryExpression.

Target: Specifies the entity. The Target element MUST be of type EntityReference. The Target element MUST be specified and MUST NOT be specified more than once.

ExcludeBlankRow: Specifies a Boolean value that indicates whether blank rows are to be excluded in the row scan. If omitted, blank rows are included. The ExcludeBlankRow element is optional and MUST NOT be specified more than once.

The following is the XSD for the QueryScanExpression element.

   <xs:complexType name="QueryScanExpression">
       <xs:extension base="QueryExpression">
           <xs:element name="Target" type="xs:string" />
           <xs:element name="ExcludeBlankRow" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />