2.50.3 Parameter.DataType

The Parameter.DataType element specifies the data type of the parameter.

The Parameter.DataType element MUST be specified. Its value MUST be a String. In a client application, a user MUST enter a value for the parameter that can be interpreted as the specified type. If a default value is provided for the parameter by the sibling Parameter.Expression element, the value of that sibling Parameter.Expression element MUST evaluate to the specified type.

The value of the Parameter.DataType element MUST be one of the following:

Boolean: Specifies that the data type of the parameter is the SMDL data type Boolean corresponding to the CLR data type Boolean.

DateTime: Specifies that the data type of the parameter is the SMDL data type DateTime corresponding to the CLR data types DataTime and DateTimeOffset.

Decimal: Specifies that the data type of the parameter is the SMDL data type Decimal corresponding to the CLR data types Decimal and UInt64.

EntityKey: Specifies that the data type of the parameter is the SMDL data type EntityKey, which is a tuple of key column values for an entity and does not correspond to any CLR data type.

Float: Specifies that the data type of the parameter is the SMDL data type Float corresponding to the CLR data types Single and Double.

Integer: Specifies that the data type of the parameter is the SMDL data type Integer corresponding to the CLR data types Int16, Int32, Int64, UInt16, UInt32, Byte, and SByte.

String: Specifies that the data type of the parameter is the SMDL data type String corresponding to the CLR data types String, Char, and Guid.

Time: Specifies that the data type of the parameter is the SMDL data type Time corresponding to the CLR data type Timespan.

The value of the Parameter.DataType element MUST NOT be Binary.

The following is the parent element of the Parameter.DataType element.

Parent Elements


The following is the XML Schema definition of the Parameter.DataType element.          

 <xsd:element name="DataType" type="LiteralDataTypeEnum" />