2.33.5 SemanticQuery.MeasureGroups

The SemanticQuery.MeasureGroups element specifies a collection of measures for a client application to display.

The SemanticQuery.MeasureGroups element is optional. This element MUST be specified if the sibling SemanticQuery.Hierarchies element is not specified or if there is no Hierarchies.Hierarchy child element of the sibling SemanticQuery.Hierarchies element that contains a Hierarchies.Groupings child element.

The SemanticQuery.MeasureGroups element is of type MeasureGroups. If the SemanticQuery.MeasureGroups element is not present, its value is interpreted as NULL.

The following is the parent element of the SemanticQuery.MeasureGroups element.

Parent elements


The following is the XML Schema definition of the SemanticQuery.MeasureGroups element.          

 <xsd:element name="MeasureGroups" type="MeasureGroupsType" minOccurs="0" />