2.34.6 TablixMember.HideIfNoRows

Applies to RDL 2008/01, RDL 2010/01, and RDL 2016/01

The TablixMember.HideIfNoRows element specifies whether a row or column that is associated with a static member is to be hidden if the tablix contains no rows of data. This element is optional and MUST NOT be specified more than once.

The TablixMember.HideIfNoRows element is ignored for nonstatic members. If this element is specified, its value MUST be a Boolean ([XMLSCHEMA2/2] section 3.2.2).

If the tablix contains no rows of data and if the value of the TablixMember.HideIfNoRows element is true, the following conditions apply:

  • Rows that are associated with the parent TablixMember are to be hidden.

  • Sibling Visibility elements are ignored.

If the TablixMember.HideIfNoRows element is not specified, its value is interpreted as false.

If the Tablix.BandLayoutOptions element is specified, the TablixMember.HideIfNoRows element is ignored.

Following is the parent element of the TablixMember.HideIfNoRows element.

Parent elements


The following is the XML Schema definition of the TablixMember.HideIfNoRows element.

 <xsd:element name="HideIfNoRows" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" />