2.39.1 TablixCornerCell.CellContents

Applies to RDL 2008/01, RDL 2010/01, and RDL 2016/01

The TablixCornerCell.CellContents element specifies the contents of cells in a TablixCornerCell.

The TablixCornerCell.CellContents element MUST NOT be specified if the position in the corner is covered by a span from another cell. Otherwise, this element MUST be specified exactly once.

The following rules determine whether the position in the corner is covered by a span from another cell:

  • The value of the CellContents.ColSpan child element, decremented by 1, specifies the quantity of sequential sibling TablixCornerCell elements that MUST NOT have a child TablixCornerCell.CellContents element specified.

  • The value of the CellContents.RowSpan child element, decremented by 1, specifies the quantity of sequential TablixCornerRow element siblings to the ancestor TablixCornerRow element that MUST NOT have a child TablixCornerCell.CellContents element specified in the same positional order.

If the TablixCornerCell.CellContents element is specified, it is of type CellContents.

Following is the parent element of the TablixCornerCell.CellContents element.

Parent elements


The following is the XML Schema definition of the TablixCornerCell.CellContents element.

 <xsd:element name="CellContents" type="CellContentsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />