2.3.12 Report.DataElementStyle

The Report.DataElementStyle element indicates whether leaf level values (such as text box values and chart data values) in a report render as elements or as attributes in a data rendering. This element is optional.

If the Report.DataElementStyle element is present, its value MUST be either "AttributeNormal" or "ElementNormal" in RDL 2003/10 and RDL 2005/01, and either "Attribute" or "Element" in RDL 2008/01, RDL 2010/01, and RDL 2016/01. If this element is not present, its value is interpreted as "Element" or "ElementNormal" depending on the RDL version.

Following is the parent element of the Report.DataElementStyle element.

Parent elements


The following is the XML Schema definition of the Report.DataElementStyle element in RDL 2003/10 and RDL 2005/01.

 <xsd:element name="DataElementStyle" minOccurs="0">
     <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
       <xsd:enumeration value="AttributeNormal" />
       <xsd:enumeration value="ElementNormal" />

The following is the XML Schema definition of the Report.DataElementStyle element in RDL 2008/01, RDL 2010/01, and RDL 2016/01.

 <xsd:element name="DataElementStyle" minOccurs="0">
     <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
       <xsd:enumeration value="Attribute" />
       <xsd:enumeration value="Element" />