2.22.2 UserSort.SortExpressionScope

Applies to RDL 2005/01, RDL 2008/01, RDL 2010/01, and RDL 2016/01

The UserSort.SortExpressionScope element specifies the name of the scope (data region or Group) in which to evaluate the UserSort.SortExpression. The UserSort.SortExpressionScope element is optional.

If the UserSort.SortExpressionScope element is specified, its value MUST be a String ([XMLSCHEMA2/2] section 3.2.1). If this element is not present, the sort expression will be evaluated and the sort will be performed independently in each detail scope within the sort target.

The value of the UserSort.SortExpressionScope element MUST be equal to or contained within the current scope. If the containing Textbox has no current scope (for example, the text box is not contained within any data region or Group), the value of this element MUST be equal to or contained within the scope that is defined by the peer UserSort.SortTarget element.

The value of the UserSort.SortExpressionScope  element MUST NOT evaluate to a detail scope (for example, a Group that has no Group.GroupExpressions instance). The DataSet that is associated with UserSort.SortExpressionScope  MUST be the same as the DataSet that is associated with the peer UserSort.SortTarget element. Sorting for the UserSort MUST take place within the Group that contains the UserSort.SortExpressionScope.

Following is the parent element of the UserSort.SortExpressionScope element.

Parent elements


The following is the XML Schema definition of the UserSort.SortExpressionScope element.

 <xsd:element name="SortExpressionScope" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />