2.293.4 Style.BackgroundHatchType

Applies to RDL 2008/01, RDL 2010/01, and RDL 2016/01

The Style.BackgroundHatchType element specifies the hatching pattern of a report item. This element is optional. If this element is present, its value MUST be a String ([XMLSCHEMA2/2] section 3.2.1) or an expression that evaluates to a String. The value of this element MUST be one of the following or an expression that evaluates to one of the following:

Default: Specifies the default background hatching pattern, which is treated the same as "None".

None: Specifies that there is no background hatching.

BackwardDiagonal: Specifies a backward-diagonal hatching pattern.

Cross: Specifies a cross-hatching pattern.

DarkDownwardDiagonal: Specifies a dark downward-diagonal hatching pattern.

DarkHorizontal: Specifies a dark horizontal hatching pattern.

DarkUpwardDiagonal: Specifies a dark upward-diagonal hatching pattern.

DarkVertical: Specifies a dark vertical hatching pattern.

DashedDownwardDiagonal: Specifies a dashed downward-diagonal hatching pattern.

DashedHorizontal: Specifies a dashed horizontal hatching pattern.

DashedUpwardDiagonal: Specifies a dashed upward-diagonal hatching pattern.

DashedVertical: Specifies a dashed vertical hatching pattern.

DiagonalBrick: Specifies a diagonal brick hatching pattern.

DiagonalCross: Specifies a diagonal cross-hatching pattern.

Divot: Specifies a divot hatching pattern.

DottedDiamond: Specifies a dotted diamond hatching pattern.

DottedGrid: Specifies a dotted grid hatching pattern.

ForwardDiagonal: Specifies a forward-diagonal hatching pattern.

Horizontal: Specifies a horizontal hatching pattern.

HorizontalBrick: Specifies a horizontal brick hatching pattern.

LargeCheckerBoard: Specifies a large checkerboard hatching pattern.

LargeConfetti: Specifies a large confetti hatching pattern.

LargeGrid: Specifies a large grid hatching pattern.

LightDownwardDiagonal: Specifies a light downward-diagonal hatching pattern.

LightHorizontal: Specifies a light horizontal hatching pattern.

LightUpwardDiagonal: Specifies a light upward-diagonal hatching pattern.

LightVertical: Specifies a light vertical hatching pattern.

NarrowHorizontal: Specifies a narrow horizontal hatching pattern.

NarrowVertical: Specifies a narrow vertical hatching pattern.

OutlinedDiamond: Specifies an outlined diamond hatching pattern.

Percent05: Specifies a 5-percent hatching pattern.

Percent10: Specifies a 10-percent hatching pattern.

Percent20: Specifies a 20-percent hatching pattern.

Percent25: Specifies a 25-percent hatching pattern.

Percent30: Specifies a 30-percent hatching pattern.

Percent40: Specifies a 40-percent hatching pattern.

Percent50: Specifies a 50-percent hatching pattern.

Percent60: Specifies a 60-percent hatching pattern.

Percent70: Specifies a 70-percent hatching pattern.

Percent75: Specifies a 75-percent hatching pattern.

Percent80: Specifies an 80-percent hatching pattern.

Percent90: Specifies a 90-percent hatching pattern.

Plaid: Specifies a plaid hatching pattern.

Shingle: Specifies a shingle hatching pattern.

SmallCheckerBoard: Specifies a small checkerboard hatching pattern.

SmallConfetti: Specifies a small confetti hatching pattern.

SmallGrid: Specifies a small grid hatching pattern.

SolidDiamond: Specifies a solid diamond hatching pattern.

Sphere: Specifies a sphere hatching pattern.

Trellis: Specifies a trellis hatching pattern.

Vertical: Specifies a vertical hatching pattern.

Wave: Specifies a wave hatching pattern.

Weave: Specifies a weave hatching pattern.

WideDownwardDiagonal: Specifies a wide downward-diagonal hatching pattern.

WideUpwardDiagonal: Specifies a wide upward-diagonal hatching pattern.

ZigZag: Specifies a zigzag hatching pattern.

If the Style.BackgroundHatchType element is not present, its value is interpreted as "None". If the grandparent element of this element is ReportItems, ChartTitle, Title, ChartAxis, Axis, ChartAxisTitle, ChartAxisScaleBreak, ChartMarker, Marker, ChartGridLines, MajorGridLines, MinorGridLines, ChartTickMarks, LinearGauge, RadialGauge, ScaleRange, ScaleLabels, CustomLabel, or PinLabel, the Style.BackgroundHatchType element is ignored.

Following is the parent element of the Style.BackgroundHatchType element.

Parent elements


The following is the XML Schema definition of the Style.BackgroundHatchType element.

 <xsd:element name="BackgroundHatchType" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />