2.294.3 BackgroundImage.Position

The BackgroundImage.Position element specifies where a BackgroundImage element that has the value of the BackgroundImage.BackgroundRepeat element set to "Clip" is drawn. The BackgroundImage.Position element is optional. If this element is present, its value MUST be a String ([XMLSCHEMA2/2] section 3.2.1) or an expression that evaluates to a String.

The value of the BackgroundImage.Position element MUST be one of the following:

Default: Specifies the default position of the background images, which is the same as "Center" for charts. In RDL 2012/01, Default is interpreted as "TopLeft" for pages.

Top: Specifies that the background image is drawn at the top center of the containing report item.

TopLeft: Specifies that the background image is drawn at the top left of the containing report item.

TopRight: Specifies that the background image is drawn at the top right of the containing report item.

Left: Specifies that the background image is drawn at center left of the containing report item.

Center: Specifies that the background image is drawn at the center of the containing report item.

Right: Specifies that the background image is drawn at the center right of the containing report item.

BottomRight: Specifies that the background image is drawn at the bottom right of the containing report item.

Bottom: Specifies that the background image is drawn at the bottom center of the containing report item.

BottomLeft: Specifies that the background image is drawn at the bottom left of the containing report item.

If the BackgroundImage.Position element is not present, its value is interpreted as "Default". If the parent BackgroundImage element is not ignored but the grandparent element of the BackgroundImage is ChartDataPoint, ChartEmptyPoints, Marker, or ChartMarker, the BackgroundImage.Position element is ignored.

If the peer BackgroundImage.BackgroundRepeat element is not specified as "Clip", the BackgroundImage.Position element is ignored.

Following is the parent element of the BackgroundImage.Position element.

Parent elements


The following is the XML Schema definition of the BackgroundImage.Position element.

Note  The following XSD represents RDL macro-versioned schemas only. Possible additions, identified earlier in this section, to base schema RDL 2010/01 from micro-versioned schemas RDL 2011/01, RDL 2012/01, and RDL 2013/01 are provided in sections 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7, respectively. For more information about macro- and micro-versioned schemas, see section 2.1.

 <xsd:element name="Position" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />