2.3.115 HangingIndent
The HangingIndent property specifies the indent of the first line of text within a paragraph relative to the LeftIndent property of the same paragraph. If this property is specified, it MUST be part of a Paragraph.ElementProperties record.
HangingIndent = hangingIndentStart hangingIndentValue
1 |
2 |
3 |
hangingIndentStart |
hangingIndentValue (variable) |
... |
hangingIndentStart (1 byte): A byte that specifies the start of the HangingIndent property. The value of the hangingIndentStart field MUST be the following value.
ElementProperties.InlineSharedElementProperties for Paragraph
ElementProperties.NonSharedElementProperties for Paragraph
hangingIndentValue (variable): An RPLSize variable that specifies the indent of the first line of text within a paragraph relative to the LeftIndent property of the same paragraph.