
The specification states the following:

 Subclause 6.32, "<datetime value function>": The <current date value function>
 <current date value function> ::=
 Subclause 6.31, "<datetime value expression>":
 When the value is a <current date value function>
 <datetime value expression> ::=
 <datetime term>
 | <interval value expression> <plus sign> <datetime term>
 | <datetime value expression> <plus sign> <interval term>
 | <datetime value expression> <minus sign> <interval term>
 <datetime term> ::=
 <datetime factor>
 <datetime factor> ::=
 <datetime primary> [ <time zone> ]
 <datetime primary> ::=
 <value expression primary>
 | <datetime value function>

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 vary as follows:

Transact-SQL does not support this feature. See the GETDATE [MSDN-GETDATE], SYSDATETIME [MSDN-SYSDATETIME], and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP [MSDN-CURRENTTIMESTAMP] functions for equivalent functionality.