Sending the Request

 How the Request URI and Content-Type are transmitted depends on the transport information associated with the Proxy, which was obtained in an earlier step, "Serializing the Request" (section The Request MUST be transmitted as specified in the following table.


 Request URI

 Content Type

 Specification for sending message


MUST be set in the RequestURIHeader of the message frame.

MUST be set in the ContentTypeHeader of the message frame.

Sending Request under TCP Transport



MUST be set in the RequestURIHeader of the message frame.

MUST be set in the ContentTypeHeader of the message frame.

Sending Request under SOAP on TCP


The Server Object URIpart of the Request URI MUST be set as the Request-URI in the Request-Line of the HTTP Request.

MUST be set in the Content-Type entity-header field.

Sending Request under HTTP Transport


The Server Object URI part of the Request URI MUST be set as the Request-URI in the Request-Line of the HTTP Request.

MUST be set in the Content-Type entity-header field section.

Sending Request under SOAP on HTTP