InitNew (Opnum 10)
The InitNew method is received by the server in an RPC_REQUEST packet. In response, the server MUST initialize an MSMQ transaction object to represent an existing underlying transaction object.
HRESULT InitNew( [in] VARIANT varTransaction );
varTransaction: A pointer to a VARIANT that points to an existing underlying transaction object that is implementing the ITransaction interface. The VARIANT that is passed can be any one of the following types:
Return Values: The method MUST return S_OK (0x00000000) to indicate success or an implementation-specific error HRESULT on failure.
When the server processes this call, it MUST follow these guidelines:
If the Transaction instance variable is NOT NULL:
Return MQ_ERROR_TRANSACTION_USAGE (0xC00E0050), and take no further action.
Retrieve the transaction object, referred to as rTransObj, from the varTransaction VARIANT based on the type of the VARIANT as follows:
If varTransaction.vt is VT_UNKNOWN then set rTransObj to varTransaction.punkVal.
Else if varTransaction.vt is VT_UNKNOWN | VT_BYREF then set rTransObj to varTransaction.ppunkVal.
Else if varTransaction.vt is VT_DISPATCH then set rTransObj to varTransaction.pdispVal.
Else if varTransaction.vt is VT_ DISPATCH | VT_BYREF then set rTransObj to varTransaction.ppdispVal.
Otherwise return E_INVALIDARG (0x80070057).
Retrieve the transaction object that is implementing the ITransaction interface by calling IUnknown::QueryInterface (section 3.1) on rTransObj, passing the interface identifier of ITransaction.
Return E_INVALIDARG (0x80070057) if the varTransaction input parameter does not implement the ITransaction interface, and take no further action.
Set the Transaction instance variable to the value of the transaction object previously obtained.