BasePriority (Opnum 23)
The BasePriority method is received by the server in an RPC_REQUEST packet. In response, the server returns the default priority of the referenced queue.
[propget] HRESULT BasePriority( [out, retval] long* plBasePriority );
plBasePriority: A pointer to a long that specifies the default priority of the referenced queue.
Return Values: The method MUST return S_OK (0x00000000) to indicate success or an implementation-specific error HRESULT on failure.
When processing this call, the server MUST abide by the following contract:
If IsRefreshed is FALSE call Refresh (section
If Refresh returns a value other than S_OK (0x00000000), return the HRESULT returned by Refresh and take no further action.
If QueueFormatName starts with: "PUBLIC=":
Set the plBasePriority output parameter to the value of the refQueue.BasePriority instance variable.
Set the plBasePriority output parameter to the value of 0x00000000.
Return S_OK (0x00000000), and take no further action.