2.175 Attribute msDS-DeletedObjectLifetime
If the Recycle Bin optional feature is enabled, this attribute specifies the number of days before a deleted object is converted to a recycled object. If the Recycle Bin optional feature is not enabled, values of this attribute have no meaning or effect.
cn: ms-DS-Deleted-Object-Lifetime ldapDisplayName: msDS-DeletedObjectLifetime attributeId: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.2068 attributeSyntax: omSyntax: 10 isSingleValued: TRUE schemaIdGuid: a9b38cb6-189a-4def-8a70-0fcfa158148e systemOnly: FALSE searchFlags: 0 systemFlags: FLAG_SCHEMA_BASE_OBJECT
Version-Specific Behavior: First implemented on Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system.