2.166 Class mSMQQueue

A queue that is associated with a specific computer and is placed under the MSMQ-Configuration of that computer. MSMQ users create queues according to their requirements by using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) or the MSMQ API. There is no limit to the number of queues per computer.

 cn: MSMQ-Queue
 ldapDisplayName: mSMQQueue
 governsId: 1.2.840.113556.1.5.161
 objectClassCategory: 1
 rdnAttId: cn
 subClassOf: top
 systemMayContain: mSMQTransactional, MSMQ-SecuredSource, 
  mSMQQueueType, mSMQQueueQuota, mSMQQueueNameExt, 
  mSMQQueueJournalQuota, mSMQPrivacyLevel, mSMQOwnerID, 
  MSMQ-MulticastAddress, mSMQLabelEx, mSMQLabel, mSMQJournal, 
  mSMQBasePriority, mSMQAuthenticate
 systemPossSuperiors: mSMQConfiguration
 schemaIdGuid: 9a0dc343-c100-11d1-bbc5-0080c76670c0
 defaultSecurityDescriptor: D:(A;;RPWPCRCCDCLCLORCWOWDSDDTSW;;;DA)
 defaultHidingValue: FALSE
 systemOnly: FALSE
 defaultObjectCategory: CN=MSMQ-Queue,<SchemaNCDN>

Version-Specific Behavior: First implemented on Windows 2000 Server operating system.