
This operation requests that garbage collection be immediately performed on the DC. Tombstones and recycled-objects are subject to the requirement that they MUST be kept for at least the tombstone lifetime (see, but they can be kept longer. Deleted-objects are subject to the requirement that they MUST be kept for at least the deleted-object lifetime. Garbage collection identifies tombstones and recycled-objects that have been kept for at least the tombstone lifetime and removes them. Additionally, garbage collection identifies deleted-objects that have been kept for at least the deleted-object lifetime and transforms them to recycled-objects. On a correctly functioning DC, there is no need to manually trigger garbage collection via this operation. The requester MUST have the "Do-Garbage-Collection" control access right on the DC's DSA object.

This operation is triggered by setting the doGarbageCollection attribute to "1".

The following shows an LDIF sample that performs this operation.

 changetype: modify
 add: doGarbageCollection
 doGarbageCollection: 1