2.2.2 Tracking Files

 There are two tracking files with very similar formats. The hits.log file is specific to a given error signature, while a single crash.log file is used for all errors reported to the CER file share. Each of their formats is a CRLF-delimited list of errors where each error is represented by a list of tab-delimited items. They MUST be encoded using the ANSI character set. They share many aspects of their grammar, as specified in [RFC4234]:

 Time     = Hours ":" Minutes ":" Seconds
 Date     = Month "-" Day "-" Year
 Hours    = 2DIGIT    ;    00-23
 Minutes  = 2DIGIT    ;    00-59
 Seconds  = 2DIGIT    ;    00-59
 Month    = 2DIGIT    ;    01-12
 Day      = 2DIGIT    ;    01-28, 01-29, 01-30, 01-31 based on Month/Year
 Year     = 4DIGIT
 Machine = (1*15CHAR) / "UNKNOWN"    ;    see below for delimiter handling
 User = (1*256CHAR) / "unknown user" ;    see below for delimiter handling

Time: The local machine time when the report was generated (HH:MM:SS).

Date: The local machine date when the report was generated (MM-DD-YYYY).

Machine: The non-fully-qualified machine name of the machine that generated the error report. A CRLF pair MUST NOT appear in Machine, since that is reserved as the line delimiter. An HTAB MUST NOT appear in Machine, since that is reserved as the item delimiter. If the system is unable to determine the name of the machine, then "UNKNOWN" MUST be used in its place.

User: The user name of the user who was logged on when the report was generated. If the system is unable to determine the name of that user, then "unknown user" MUST be used in its place. A CRLF pair MUST NOT appear in User, since that is reserved as the line delimiter. An HTAB MUST NOT appear in User, since that is reserved as the item delimiter.