2.2.1 Count.txt

The Count.txt file includes two text parameters that track aggregate information about how frequently certain problems occur on specific clients and how much report data has been collected. Its format is a CRLF-delimited list of name-value pairs. It MUST be encoded using the ANSI character set as specified in [ISO/IEC-8859-1], with an implementation-specific valid code page. It MUST conform to the following syntax, as specified in [RFC4234]:

 Countfile =  Cabs Hits
 Cabs      = %d67. (1DIGIT / ((%x31-39)
 1*DIGIT)) CRLF ; the encoded characters spell case-sensitive "Cabs Gathered="
 Hits      = %d84. (%x31-39)*DIGIT CRLF 
 ; the encoded characters spell case-sensitive "Total Hits="

Cabs: The number of error reporting files that have been copied for this problem. This MUST be a positive integer or zero.

Hits: The total number of hits this problem has received. This MUST be a positive integer, and MUST NOT be zero.