The RPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure is a container for passing a security descriptor that can be marshaled and unmarshaled by RPC. In this protocol it is part of the RPC_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure (section
typedef struct _RPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR { [size_is(cbInSecurityDescriptor), length_is(cbOutSecurityDescriptor)] unsigned char* lpSecurityDescriptor; unsigned long cbInSecurityDescriptor; unsigned long cbOutSecurityDescriptor; } RPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, *PRPC_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR;
lpSecurityDescriptor: A variable-length buffer that contains a security descriptor in self-relative form.
cbInSecurityDescriptor: The size, in bytes, of memory that is allocated for the security descriptor. If no security descriptor is specified, this field MUST be zero.
cbOutSecurityDescriptor: The number of bytes of the lpSecurityDescriptor to be transmitted. If no security descriptor is specified, this field MUST be zero.